Massage Pad
Product Reviews
Equilibrium Therapy Horse Massage Pad
One of my absolute favorite horse products so far! After much research, product comparisons, and conversation threads, I finally ordered and received the Equilibrium Therapy Horse Massage Pad and I love it! Even more importantly, my horses have all taken to it and love their massage sessions. To back up a step, I was looking for a massage product to help with both pre/post rides for warm up assistance and faster recovery, as well as for therapeutic purposes. While there are many different vendors who sell the Equilibrium Massage Pad, I officially got mine through a seller on Ebay with great reviews and a fantastic price since shipping to the United States was included in the price (product comes from the United Kingdom). My massage pad kit also included the Hotspot Massage Mitten which has been a favorite tool by both horse and human.
The massage mitten included with my kit proved crucial to help me introduce the gentle massage product to my horses, particularly my extremely sensitive and paranoid OTTB Chloe. Chloe absolutely hates any type of massage product, and nearly took me out when I tried to introduce the massage gun on the gentlest setting there was. Most of these issues are noise-related for Chloe, but the vibrations also tend to set her off. Not only was the massage mitten completely silent compared to other products, it allowed me to slowly introduce all of my horses to the vibration along their necks and backs without needing to strap the pad on yet. By the time I did place the full-back massage pad on all of them, Chloe included, they were all mentally prepared for the massage pad transition on the Low setting. Especially for Chloe, this is practically a miracle that she accepted the pad as she has.
Since accepting the massage pads, my horses gladly sit in cross-ties, stalls, and at the end of a lead rope and even walking around on a lead rope with the massage pads strapped on and set to the High setting. I regularly use the massage pad during feeding breakfast and/or dinner leading up to a ride to start warming up the muscles and after a ride to help the muscles recover faster. I will also use the massage pad before a bodywork session with the equine chiropractor and the equine bodyworker, as well as before any ground work and stretching session.
All of my horses love the massage pads and practically fall asleep in them. I do also tend to keep the massage pads under the Back On Track Therapy Sheets during the colder months for a stronger therapeutic impact. Equilibrium Products also keeps warranties on all of their massage pads so if there are any defects, you can work with the seller and get a replacement pad (which I did do for one of my massage pads that started malfunctioning). I definitely recommend these massage pads and have even purchased two myself (with an eye on possibly getting a third in the future).