DIY Horse Outdoor Arena
Barn Projects

The new outdoor arena project is finally completed! It’s been a project with planning and budgeting for a while. The field where we ride has been packed down to hard earth and I’ve been working on the best way to add footing in a reasonable manner. Laid out some 2x4x8 PT boards (less than half the price than the 16’ boards), and connected them with metal plates, added a few 4x4x8 posts in areas I need to drive over for extra support, and then had 4 truckloads of sand delivered who is the supplier for a beloved local lesson barn I grew up with. Rode in it last night for the first time and it was awesome! Excited to get some more rides in 🤗
Also note that this is in my horse pasture which is why I didn’t want to fence it off (we also mix the arena and field riding during the same ride), and it’s also family property but not mine which is why I didn’t want to install anything permanent. This is simply buying me patience until I get my own farm.